How to screen resumes effectively with HireJoy

Creating a grading rubric is essential to a non-biased screen. This guide will walk you through how to configure job criteria so you can most effectively screen resumes.

Modify job criteria on HireJoy for more accurate screening

After adding your job, it’ll be synthesized into individual criteria.

If you have jobs in your ATS, the jobs will be synthesized automatically once you post them in your ATS.

You can edit the criteria to describe the nuances in the phrasing.

Modify job criteria

You can also add and delete criteria to help score candidates.

Add delete and save criteria

Screen resumes with HireJoy

Once criteria is set, resumes are ready to be screened. Each profile will get screened with the individual criteria with a grading rubric. You can upload resumes in HireJoy, score Linkedin profiles with our chrome extension. If you have an ATS integration, applicants in your ATS will be scored by default.

Example of a resume screen evaluation

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